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Photography workshops are a wonderful way to improve your skills, expand your knowledge base and meet interesting new people. Photography is a lifelong learning adventure and so even if you feel as though you’re on top of your game there’s still plenty of good reasons to continue attending workshops, courses and classes.
Photography is a constantly evolving art form and if you want to keep up with the latest developments and new technologies then workshops are a good way to stay in touch with new industry trends.
What Is A Photography Workshop?
A photography workshop is a hands-on session, led by a professional photographer, that teaches you new skills, methods and post production techniques. The workshop will include demonstrations and opportunities to try out the things that you are learning as you learn them. As you try out the new techniques, the instructor will also be there to give you tips, hints and advice on what you’re getting right and what you can do better in the future.
What Types Of Photography Workshops Are There?
There are a huge range of photography workshops available for you to explore. You can find workshops that cover every genre of photography and post production so no matter what it is that you want to improve there’s something for you.
The main types of workshops that you can attend include:
- Photography fundamentals.
- Travel and Destination photography.
- Fashion photography.

- Portrait photography.
- Wedding and Events photography.
- Wildlife photography.
- Post production techniques.
- Running a photography business/turning professional.
Within each different category of photography workshops different instructors will have their own unique methods and focus. This means that you should always do a little research before you pay for a workshop, just to make sure that they will be covering topics that you’re interested in.
What’s The Difference Between A Photography Workshop And A Photography Tour?
A photography tour is a travel experience which is set up to allow you to take photos in a new place. The tour is arranged by the tour guide who will create an itinerary for you and the other participants while handling all your travel details, entrance fees and other associated costs.
When you’re on a photography tour you shouldn’t expect there to be a lot of tuition involved. Instead, the tour organizer will take a back seat role and allow you to get on with taking photos while just handling the logistics for you.
A photography tour will give you a unique opportunity to take photos overseas without having to worry about the travel arrangements. This lets you focus on your photography while meeting other photographers in some stunning locations. Another advantage of going on a tour is that the organizer will be able to show you all the best beauty spots in the area which you may never have found otherwise.
Photography workshops on the other hand are more like hands-on classes where the instructor takes the lead and shows you specific skills. Workshops also tend to be much shorter in length than a photography tour, and usually last a day or two.
What’s The Difference Between A Photography Workshop And A Photography Course?
A photography course is different from a workshop because it tends to last for a longer time and is taught in a college, institution or online. Workshops are usually held over the course of a day, or a weekend, and cover quite a specific topics; whereas a course will usually have a much broader range of subjects and takes place over a longer period of time.
How Do You Pick The Right Photography Workshop?
Each workshop is unique and the quality of the tuition is primarily based on the abilities and experience of the instructor. This means that the most important thing to do is to look at the track record of the instructor, their own portfolio and reviews from past workshop attendees.
Part of the charm of a great workshop is the fact that the instructor’s personality can really shine through, as well as their personal skills and experience. For this reason, you should always try to see their portfolio, or website, before you sign up so you can get an idea of the type of thing you can expect from the workshop and the instructor.
Can You Do A Photography Workshop Online?
Traditionally, photography workshops are conducted in person however as more of our lives have moved into the digital realm you can certainly find some good online options. What’s crucial about any workshop, compared to most online courses, is that the tutor is there in real time to help you and answer questions as you learn.
An online workshop is like a virtual online classroom and so even if you’re in another part of the world you can still access the skills of a specific photographer that you would like to learn from! Online workshops are fundamentally the same as a regular workshop except you won’t be in the same physical room as your instructor. Nonetheless, you can learn a huge amount in these online settings about almost any topic that you can imagine in the field of photography.

When choosing an online workshop or class it’s very important to find out how many people will be taking part at once. Ideally, you want to find a workshop that has no more than about 5-8 students at once; so that you get plenty of time to personally speak with the instructor if you have any questions or difficulties.
Another advantage of doing online workshops is that sometimes you can record it to watch later. This is something you should ask about before you sign up because if you can download and watch the workshop later you’ll be able to brush on anything you forget down the road.
However, you should be aware that there are certain things that an online workshop cannot deliver; such as the personal, face to face interactions between you, the other attendees and the instructor. On the other hand, if you go online you’ll have a far bigger choice of instructors to choose from and can enjoy the learning experience from the comfort of your own home.
How Much Does An Online Workshop Cost?
Prices for an online, 2 day workshop can vary considerably but you should expect to be paying between approximately $200 and $300. Of course, you can find cheaper prices but if you want to get top quality tuition you’ll have to be prepared to pay for it.
Can You Host A Photography Workshop?
If you have experience, a good skill set and a friendly manner then you can host your own workshops in any genre or field of photography. Hosting a workshop is an exciting way to pass on your skills to other photographers, beginners or professionals, while also earning a good side income. Introducing the participants of your workshops to new concepts, techniques and methods of making the most of their camera is hugely rewarding for all concerned.
You can teach your workshops in a physical location or online; whichever is easier for you. If you live in a large city then teaching your workshops in person is a good option although you will have to rent a space to conduct them. Running an in person live workshop is a nice way to meet new people in your area while providing them with the fruits of your skills and knowledge in photography.
On the other hand, taking your skills into the digital world may well open up a huge amount of new possibilities. Conducting your workshops online gives you access to a much larger pool of potential attendees and cuts down your expenses. You won’t need to rent a physical space to conduct your workshops and as long as you can set up a professional looking class room area in your home you can teach from there!
Running An Online Photography Workshop.
Firstly, you’ll need to advertise your workshop to attract new attendees. The best way to advertise your workshops is to create a simple website and then advertise on social media, driving traffic to your website where they can sign up.
Once you have set a time and date for the workshop and have some students that have signed up you’ll have to arrange the actual workshop. An easy way to set up a virtual workshop is to use one of the many virtual conferencing platforms. You can set up a private meeting room on the platform and then your workshop attendees simply sign into the room and you begin the session.
After you’ve all gathered in the virtual room you can start your workshop. The students will be able to ask you questions as you go through the topics so they’ll get real value for money.

One of the most popular and widely used platforms for conducting workshops and other meetings is Zoom. The platform allows you to host up to 100 participants on the basic payment plan although realistically for a workshop you probably won’t want more than about 10 participants.
Another fantastic platform for hosting your workshops is Airmeet. This specially designed platform is made to host workshops and it’s super easy to quickly set up an event.
If you’re wondering how much you should be charging for your workshops you probably want to start off charging between $100 to $200 per person. This will generate you a fantastic income while you share your skills and knowledge with your workshop’s participants. As your reputation grows you can start to raise your prices as demand increases.
Photography Workshops Are The Backbone Of Practical Tuition And Learning.
There’s no better way to learn or teach photography than in a specially dedicated workshop; and whether you’re a student attending the workshop or teaching yourself, it’s a wonderful experience.
As an attendee, workshops are fantastic value for money and allow you to get tuition from industry experts and highly respected photographers, while if, on the other hand, you’re teaching, you can generate a significant income for yourself.
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