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Real estate is one of the fastest paced and high stakes industries in the world and as a result realtors do everything they can to provide the best services possible for their clients. For many years it was the standard to include some photos of the property in the marketing materials however in the modern world this just doesn’t cut it anymore.
Buyers and sellers both expect to see video in the property brochure and all successful realtors have moved with the times and incorporated video in their website listings.
It’s not just residential property where video is being used and now commercial properties include video in their marketing materials. Video presentations give the potential buyer the chance to get a feel of the space and experience what it would be like to walk around the interior from the comfort of their home or office.

As a freelance videographer you can make a big splash in the industry by delivering high quality video and 360 video services for realtors to help present the properties in their portfolio in their very best light. If you can provide fantastic videos of a property to help sell it for a realtor or client then you can charge anything upwards of $100 per hour of filming and $70 per hour of editing and post production work.
What is Real Estate Videography?
Real estate videography is any form of video media that is used in the marketing materials of the property sales industry. The video media can be used on a realtor’s website, in marketing emails or they can be attached to printed brochures in a DVD format.
Real estate videography is usually short and succinct with clear shots of the interior and exterior of the property. The aim is to immerse the viewer in the property and allow them to imagine that they have already bought it! As they experience a walking tour of the property via video they can picture their furniture and possessions in the rooms and they can start to think about interior design and decoration. This increased level of involvement can help to sell a property and as a consequence sellers are demanding videography in the list of services that realtors supply.
This is a great news for freelance videographers because the demand for your work is growing by the day!
How Long Should the Video Be?
Generally speaking real estate videos should be pretty short and should rarely exceed more than about 5 minutes at a maximum. Research has shown that most prospective buyers will switch off the video around the 5 minute mark and so any extra footage will be wasted. Usually, less is more and in the case of real estate photography it’s certainly true.
Keep the videos short and sweet and full of high impact shots, great angles that highlight the top features of the property and compellingly engaging content that makes the viewer want to know more.
How Do You Shoot Real Estate Videography?
To succeed in real estate videography you are going to need the basic equipment to be able to create the type of high quality footage that your clients will expect.
The basic equipment that you will need is as follows:
- A good quality DSLR camera.
- A wide angle zoom lens (16-35mm).
- A reliable tripod (ideally with a slider for panning shots).
- Optional extra: Drone for aerial shots.
One thing to remember is that you don’t need a lighting system because in most situations natural lighting is all you will need. The ideal weather to film on is a sunny day with a partly cloudy sky. If the weather is heavily overcast, wet and rainy, then if it’s feasible to do so, you might want to consider rearranging the shoot.
Before You Shoot Tidy Up and Declutter the Property.
It’s essential that you make sure the property looks its very best in your videos and so if necessary you may have to tidy up and declutter the rooms before you shoot. There’s a lot of things you can do to quickly tidy up but in many cases you just need to use your common sense.
- Walk around the property and tidy up counter tops, put away anything that is left out and give tables and surfaces a wipe down.
- Shut closet doors and open curtains throughout the property.
- Close toilet seats.
- Declutter rooms so they are empty and fresh looking.
- Smooth down bed covers and position cushions to aesthetically pleasing positions.
- Remove pictures of the owners and hide any personal possessions in closets and drawers.
- If you are employing props, such as flowers and a vase, then place them around the property in a natural looking way.

After you have tidied up the property and everything is ready just take a few moments to pre visualize the shot before you start filming. Mentally plan the shots and if it helps you can take a few notes on a pad.
Shooting the Real Estate Video.
When you are shooting a real estate video you are presented with empty rooms in a static house. There is no movement or action and so you have to create interest by introducing motion to the scene. You can do this by using panning shots, sweeping shots, sliding and glides as well as zoom effects to reveal features of interest within the property.
There is an art to real estate videography however you can practise making engaging content in your own home or apartment. Introducing movement to the static scene helps to draw in the audience and delivers a sense of being ‘in the room’ for people watching the footage.
If you have a drone then be sure to make good use of it to portray the exterior of the property and the surrounding neighborhood in a way that would make a potential buyer really want to live there! Avoid unsightly piles of rubbish beside a trash can but include a pleasant footpath through a wooded area!
Of course you can always clean up and edit the footage in the post production stage of the process but being aware of what you’re trying to achieve while you’re on the job will save you time later on.
Try to get a good bird’s eye view shot of the house from above and sweep down towards the property. This type of footage can have an aspirational impact on audiences and helps to get their imagination going.
Post Production and Editing.
After you have finished the shoot you’ll need to do some editing to cut out all the footage that isn’t quite perfect. You should be trying to cut the video down to a maximum of 5 minutes. Try to keep the video snappy, interesting and engaging. Don’t let the video get too repetitive and focus on drawing out the features of the property that make it unique, appealing and highly desirable to a potential buyer.
Does Video Help to Sell Real Estate?
Traditionally realtors have depended on still photos to help their customers get a feel of the property before they visit it for themselves prior to making an offer. Photography was always a valuable asset for realtors to use in their marketing materials however in recent times it has become outdated to rely solely on good photography when better options are now available.
Video is far more engaging for potential buyers and gives them a better idea of the property. It’s undeniable that video helps to sell properties and consequently realtors are willing to pay top dollar for a reliable and talented videographer to join their marketing team.
Video has Seen a Surge in the Real Estate Industry.
Realtors have quickly taken up the practice of incorporating video presentations of the properties that are on the market to help potential buyers experience it in a more immersive way.

Video tours of the property give prospective buyers the chance to look around the entire place, both inside and out, without having to visit for themselves.
As well as video tours, realtors are increasingly using 360 video to promote the properties in their portfolios.
As a real estate videographer you will be expected to be able to provide high quality, engaging and slick footage of the property that will give buyers a real sense of the place while highlighting the top features they will be able to enjoy when they move in!
Consider Offering 360 Virtual Videography Services.
You should also be able to provide 360 video tours. This may require you to upgrade your equipment however the extra spend will soon pay itself off. 360 virtual tours of properties are already becoming a more common feature of real estate websites and if you can deliver these services you will be in constant demand and able to command a higher pay rate from your clients.
Real Estate Videography is a Fast Growing Sector of the Online Marketing Industry.
Real estate videography is a varied and well paid freelancing job that you can make a thriving career out of. Embracing the new technologies and options available to you will open doors and opportunities in the real estate industry and in no time you’ll be the trusted go to source for top quality real estate videography in your area.
Do you incorporate videography in your real estate shoots?
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