Color is everywhere and forms the backdrop of our lives. Color is a unique type of language that can embody emotional, conceptual and even political content. This incredible fact is something that we often overlook but it plays a major role in our psychology and the choices we make in life. There is heated and…
Complete Guide To Golden Ratio In Photography
The Golden Ratio is one of the most eye catching compositional techniques that photographers can use in their work. The Golden Ratio and the Fibonnaci. The Golden Ratio is 1 to 1.618. The use of this ratio in art and sculpture was popularized during the Renaissance in Europe by artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci…
How To Use The Rule Of Thirds In Photography?
The Rule of Thirds – Mastering Photography and Composition. The ‘Rule of Thirds’ is one of the most important concepts to understand in the field of photography and can be utilized in landscapes, portraits and still life. What is the Rule of Thirds in Photography? Fundamentally, the rule of thirds is a technique you can…